
‘To contemplate means first of all to see—and not to think!

How meticulously, how intensively—with the heart, as it were—must a sculptor have gazed on a human face before being able, as is our friend here, to render a portrait, as if by magic, entirely from memory!’

-Josef Pieper

Comment Magazine

Children of Mammon, Children of God

Killers of the Flower Moon, and the long spiritual drama between American Indians and settlers

Ekstasis Magazine

Buttered Transcendence

So it was, sitting among good friends around the table in Dante’s city that I, as on some other occasions was granted a vision, like Moses, of the Holy Land flowing with things to eat and drink.

When Dvorak Went to Iowa to Meet God

Plough Quarterly

For Dvořák, music and home came into the world as twins, and, where one was found, the other was not far behind.


The Million Masks of God

Plough Quarterly

Race hatred was not just a personal attack, but an affront to divine justice. In a quiet way, his art was subverting the impulse to dehumanize by proclaiming in paint the dignity of the human person.

The Book of Repose

Plough Quarterly

People are like trees. They are never as independent as they seem above ground, and they rely on hidden connections to other individuals of the species for nourishment.

The Sabbath City

Comment Magazine

The reason that people feel alienated in so many contemporary developments is that they experience what the design of the space is telling them; they know that they are being reduced to something a bit less than they are, and that the architect and client have thought of them as interchangeable units in a process over which they have no control and which they can never even totally see.




Farming and Rural LIfe