
You will find something far greater in the woods than you will find in books. Stones and trees will teach you that which you will never learn from masters.

- Bernard of Clairvaux

Writing on the Good World


The Prayers of the Chinese Nature Painters

Plough Quarterly

An artist can show that mountains have something in common with honor, that a wren shares something with a joyful heart, that a breeze at night is not unlike a heartbreak.


Is the Midwest Beautiful?

The New Chicagoan

It is night, but only barely so. With no buildings in sight, and nothing else at all to block the view, the gradient from the last glowing oranges and scarlets of day to the turquoise rim of evening, through darker and more mysterious blues, and finally to the totally gemmed blackness, is entirely visible.

Our Mutual Earthly Hope

Plough Quarterly

Conservation originates in love: love of family, of home, of country, of creation, even self-love, to start with. Without being in nature, how can we love it? Without loving it, how will we be galvanized to protect it?

Why Catholics should care that wilderness preserves in Utah are shrinking

Setting aside certain stretches of land as above the use of the market, as outside the realm of profit and gain, is a sign that our nation still believes in the idea of sacredness. The church is always obliged to defend useless things, or things that appear useless to society.

